Monday, December 21, 2009


     Was listening to the "Navigating Self Help Safely" an interview with Jonathan H. Ellerby, PHD on the THEATRE OF THE MIND podcast I previously mentioned and came across this book (which is now on my amazon wishlist), It sparked my interest because the author emphasizes the importance of a spiritual practice (SPIRITUAL / NOT RELIGIOUS) and a variety of paths available to the individual.  I look forward to reading this book!

    I also wanted to post up another movie, which I have forwarded to a majority of my friends and family. Here is a link to the movie: "The Future of Food". The film educates on the importance of maintaining biodiversity in our food and the tragedy of our (the United State's) industrialized agricultural society which has adopted a monoculture that is extinguishing food variety.  I was specifically shocked by Genetically Modified Foods and the litigation by MONSANTO!
This movie coupled with the previous film "Home" stresses how important it is for us to start our own gardens and grow our own food.  I am a great fan of sovereign living, which some call "living off the grid".  My goal is to one day, own my own land, grow my own food (inclusive of livestock) and generate my own energy (solar, wind, passive solar, etc.)

Here are some other sites I stumbled upon that you may be interested in:


The most shocking information I got out of "the Future of Food" movie is the "terminator genetically engineered/ modified seed"  This is a seed that acts similar to all other seeds provided by MONSANTO, i.e. it is roundup ready: able to withstand the roundup pesticide.  However it is also engineered to not produce any viable seeds for another crop.  NOT ONLY are they making farmers chemically dependent on their roundup ready seeds but they will now control the amount of seeds and their future availability.  So picture this, what if a terminator seed corn crop mixes with another "native corn crop" (plants by nature mix with each other and create hybrids) and the native corn takes on the genetic terminator characteristic. (THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, WE ARE LOOKING AT PLANT LIFE EXTINCTION)!  

When you buy seeds make sure the package states: HEIRLOOM SEEDS, here is a great site I found on heirloom seeds:


    OK, I will end this post with this film, which mentions MONSANTO, however please be aware, you need a very strong stomach to watch THE CORPORATION.

     Please feel free to give your opinion about this or any posts on this blog.  I look forward to getting these things out in the open and speaking with others about it.

Much Love & Light, 

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