Sunday, December 20, 2009

Welcome to Synaptic Storms!

     This blog is the culmination of my inner journey of contemplation and a series of decisions made in my life to seek out answers for myself.  Yesterday I completed a wonderful Remote Influencing audio series by Mr. Gerald O'Donnell which can be found on  I had the honor of briefly speaking with Mr. O'Donnell tonight and he has given me permission to post the aforementioned link to his product site.  My good friend, Carolyn Gordon turned me on to this meditative work and I can only say good things about this product.  Additionally everyone who I have recommended this meditative audio series has given it well deserved high praise.  This particular series consists of 13 audio sessions that has given my subconscious a positive jolt, while sharpening my awareness of the day to day influence of marketing and advertising we are constantly bombarded with.  I have not watched mainstream television for quite some time now and this audio series has confirmed this decision in becoming aware of what I expose my mind to.  The series culminates in an out of body experience and an awareness of an inner peace I had not achieved before.

     Prior to my experience with this product I did a lot of hypnotherapy work (individual and group) with hypnotherapist counselors Bob & Aida Hafner at The Phoenix Center for Healing in Miami, Florida.  I became very interested in hypnotherapy and even took a course on how to regress individuals as a healing art at the Wellness Institute based out of Issaquah, Washington.  It is thanks to all the work that I did on myself via hypnotherapy at the Phoenix Center for Healing via Personal Transformation Intensive retreats that I have realized my self worth and established a strong personal contract.  I believe that this healing art is something everyone should experience, learn and teach. 

    However after a while I found myself in a cycle that I did not want to persist in.  After reading Carolyn Myss's book Anatomy of the Spirit, I realized that I was caught in a cycle of what she would term "woundology".  Simply put, "woundology" is when sharing your wounds with others becomes an addiction in itself.  Thereby making you a victim.  I have come to the realization that regressive hypnotherapy is great for recognition of addictions, unhealthy cycles and the origin of your fears.  Recognition of ourselves, i.e. recognition of our addictions, fears, etc. is a crucial first step to healing.   However healing comes with the individual choosing a responsible healing process by placing a realistic time-line on healing with measurable goals.  What's that saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the same results....   I believe true healing comes when you no longer depend on someone else to heal.  I have come to the realization and I am sure many others will agree that all you need to heal is within you.  Others may aid you on your path, that's ok you created those people, places, times and events in your life to do so (in whatever way) therapy, friends, family, etc., ultimately the answer is in you.

I hope this first entry was not too overwhelming.  Thank you all.  Much Love and Light.



  1. Great blog...I am finding the white letters on black hard to read, they move too much.


  2. Awesome blog J. Keep up this great work. lc

  3. Learned something new - "woundology". I heard a big door slam on my past. Nice!
